An update of my BuddyPress plea for help- I have received no reply and no help!
I posted here and on BuddyPress forum and have tweeted regularly for help and the response has been nil! Isn’t there anyone with bbPress/BuddyPress forum experience willing to help? I need a buddy, a BuddyPress buddy is what I need!
Nevertheless I will press on regardless on my own (press on-pun! but not BuddyPress on….).
I did also get a problem with BuddyPress plugins when I tried updating my blog here to the latest WordPress 3.4.
That is all sorted now but was a time waster (except it sent my sidebar content here west/south (!) & I still have to fix my html5 video animoto play).

I hope that I can fix BuddyPress/ bbPress forums for my site here!
I do want to install a forum here and on another site of mine but until I get a BuddyPress/bbPress forum running properly here I will not use it elsewhere yet!
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